Enhancing RFPs with Persuasive Graphics 

A picture is worth a thousand words. Complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description.

Professional results require professional tools and software.

Since we are a 100% Adobe Shop, all graphics and images can be grammar and spell-checked in the same application and as the RFP text content. Unlike Microsoft WORD, images are NOT placed into the RFP from a separate graphics application (most likely as a bit map) that does not allow the RFP Writer to update the graphic text and the content text on the same screen and application.        

We build client image libraries specifically created to persuade the reader, provide clarity of thought, and minimize reading effort. Presentation of complex ideas is more compelling through easy-to-visualize graphics. See the sample in the link at the bottom. Our team often reduces three or more pages of RFP content to a single page (half-page text, half-page graphic). Your readers greatly appreciate the efficiency and consideration of their time.   

Many of our clients propose high-technology products and services. The first screening of proposals is by acquisition teams - not as familiar with technology and associated terminology. Without infographics, the RFP can become long and tedious to read. The risk of not being understood becomes real. More importantly, it is unnoteworthy. No offeror wants to have an unnoteworthy response against twenty other competitors.     

Give that some thought.

Problem – Describing the Advantages of ISO Compliant Sole Contractor    

Your firm supplies advanced cloud-based software. Your company develops, deploys, and supports your solutions as the primary sole contractor. Your advantage over alternative teaming or competitive solutions requiring a third party for support may not at first appear obvious to the reader. Your RFP writer crafts language to describe the value of all teams working under the same corporate umbrella, using the same tools, and having the same access to field data issues and feedback. The writer wants to express the advantages of an International Standards Organization (ISO) compliance quality assurance model through customer field data immediately available to development (which is very difficult for teaming proposals to match).

Solution – Infographic + Concise Content = Persuasion    

Infographic and Content for Persuasion

Highly Talented Graphics Design

Our team are experts on all Adobe Creative Cloud tools and more. Our team does not simply locate and paste images into a text program. We create themes and graphics specific to the client and place to optimize the aesthetics on each page.

RFP Masters is capable (experts) across the Adobe Creative Suite, including Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premier (Video Editing), and Audition (Audio Editing). The team can leverage other software, including Macromedia Freehand, Apple Final Cut, and Steinberg Nuendo/Cubase.

Every graphic in the client's library is optimized for clarity and sharpness. Our attention to detail and results include converting bitmap graphics to vector graphics in order to increase resolution and minimize the final file size. Please see a Screenshot converted to vector art which increases clarity while dramatically reducing file size. Link at bottom of this section.

When the final response PDF is compiled, our team will select the compression rate, crop images to frames, and deploy all INDD tools to create the most professional-looking PDF with minimal file size for speed in upload or email transmission.

Our graphics take advantage of layers (regardless of file source), which allows graphics to have specific text content for location or products. We can rapidly place a graphic and select the appropriate layers relevant to the agency and response. A technique that saves countless hours and adds agency specifics to the RFP response. A similar process for redaction allows us to automate the redaction process in RFP responses.

Professional Results from Professional Tools

Professional Design - RFP Cover